Can Dogs Fall Asleep Standing Up: Interesting Facts

Can Dogs Fall Asleep Standing Up: Why And How

A senior dog that sleeps standing up may do so for a number of reasons, including your dog’s past, recent changes to the way they sleep, or an underlying medical problem. Try to maintain your composure while investigating all potential causes; there is always something you can do to make your elderly dog feel better.

History Of Your Dog

Does your pet have a history that might explain why they are acting the way they are right now? Then, is there a chance that your acquaintance was abused in a more recent home? Dogs who have previously suffered abuse might still exhibit undesirable behaviors. Your dog will act in the same way in their new home as they did when they were forced to sleep while forced to stand up, as this is how they were trained. While considering what you can do to encourage healthier sleep for your four-legged friend, you should try to understand the underlying causes of their behaviors. To accomplish this, you might speak with a dog behaviorist and devise methods to enhance your dog’s quality of sleep.

Should You Take Your Old Dog To The Vet?

The large dog that you have is dozing off. Never before have you witnessed them perform this. That’s why it’s understandable if you wonder whether going to the vet is worthwhile. As I previously mentioned, there are many reasons why your dog might behave in this manner. Any notable alterations in the dog’s sleeping patterns should be noted when figuring out the cause. Do you ever stop to think about how much or how little your senior dog sleeps? Recording your dog’s actions may also be a good idea. Making a video of your dog’s behavior and sending it to your vet can help them diagnose your elderly dog’s condition more quickly because they will be able to see what your dog is doing.

So, should you visit a veterinarian? Make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as you suspect your dog is in pain so they can rule out any underlying medical conditions. Hypothyroidism, dementia, arthritis, and hip dysplasia are a few potential medical causes for your dog’s behavior.

Why Is My Elderly Dog Sleeping So Soundly?

Similar to humans, dogs can go through “rapid eye movement” sleep stages. Keep a close eye on your dog if they are sleeping more deeply than usual because they may be very exhausted. You should also pay close attention to how your dog sleeps to help you determine whether their behavior requires a trip to the vet.

Does Your Dog Get Arthritis?

Dogs age similarly to humans when they do. We are all aware that aging can be difficult, so it is crucial for you to be alert to any changes your older dog exhibits. It’s possible that your friend is trying to tell you that they don’t feel well and that even lying down has become too challenging. Your dog may have arthritis if they suddenly find it difficult to lay down. Due to the potential harm lying down can do to their joints, dogs with arthritis may choose to sleep standing up. Other signs of standing up while you sleep include: limping or claudication, vigilance against touch, tiredness, irritability, and moaning.

Read about: Why Does My Dog Cry In His Sleep? Common Reasons – Better Doggy

In order to create a plan to help your dog, you should speak with your veterinarian if you suspect that your dog may be experiencing arthritis. There are also actions you can take to improve your dog’s comfort level at home. Try walking your old dog regularly each day. By increasing their exercise regimen, you can help your older dog’s joints become less stiff. Giving your dog a choice of bedding can help keep their joints happy, and you may want to consider your dog’s sleeping schedule as well.

Have You Made Any Home Improvements?

Dogs are incredibly sensitive to their emotions, and if something bothers them, they may display strange behaviors like lying on their backs. Has anything been altered in your house that your dog might find bothersome? It’s possible that the changes you’ve made to your dog’s sleeping arrangements are to blame for his peculiar behavior. Do you think your dog is trying to tell you that their new sleeping arrangements are uncomfortable? If so, try simply moving their bed back to the location they preferred.

Could Hypothyroidism Affect Your Dog?

Hypothyroidism is a common condition in senior dogs that can cause your dog to feel excessively lethargic. Obesity in older dogs may also indicate thyroid dysfunction. If your dog is obese, consult your veterinarian. If you suspect hypothyroidism in your dog, bring him in for testing. You must act immediately because canine hypothyroidism can be dangerous if left untreated. Canine dementia symptoms in your dog. Cognitive function may suddenly deteriorate in dogs who have dementia. Your dog may show signs of cognitive decline such as altered behavior toward family members, disorientation, and accidents in addition to changes in sleeping patterns.

Can Dogs Fall Asleep Standing Up: Interesting Facts
Can Dogs Fall Asleep Standing Up: Interesting Facts

Have Any Of These Signs Appeared In Your Elderly Dog?

Take notes and get in touch with a veterinarian right once you see any of these changes in your friend.

Does Your Dog Have Hip Dysplasia?

Another regrettable indicator of your dog’s aging, hip dysplasia is typical in large breed dogs. Reduced range of motion, loose joints, small joint grids, and poor posture when exercising are all signs of hip dysplasia. You should consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has hip dysplasia so they can treat them and give them a better sleep.

How Much Sleep Does A Senior Dog Get?

You won’t be shocked to learn that dogs sleep peacefully, especially puppies. So how much sleep do senior dogs usually get? As you might anticipate, older dogs become more tired over time. Most likely, your senior dog snoozes for 14 to 20 hours per day. If you think your dog’s sleeping habits are strange, you should seek assistance from your veterinarian. The most important lesson to take away from this essay is that your dog’s unusual behavior frequently serves as a trustworthy indicator of its mood. Strange behavior in dogs is undesirable, but it may also reveal more about them than we previously knew.

What Can You Do To Help Your Dog?

If you suspect that your dog has hip dysplasia, assist them in losing extra weight. Losing weight can lessen any additional stress on their hip joints and limit their mobility, which can put more strain on the joints of your elderly dog. When our dog ages, many things change. A change in the way that dogs sleep is one of the most obvious signs of aging in dogs. We should try to understand the aging processes that dogs’ bodies go through and what to expect. You clicked on this article to find out more about the reasons why your elderly dog sleeps upright, but I’m sure you also have other questions about how your dog likes to sleep.


A  lot of dogs sleep whilst standing up. But I want to stress to you that you shouldn’t assume this is the case for your dog. All dogs are different, if you believe something isn’t quite right with your senior dog then you should take them to the vet or ask for some advice. Making sure your senior dog grows old happily comes with a lot of work. To keep your dog happy, you should try to understand them better and work on changing things around your house to make their pain more manageable.