Why Do Dogs Bark When Humans Fight Common & Potential Reasons

Why Do Dogs Bark When Humans Fight? Common & Potential Reasons

For puppy owners, why do dogs bark when humans fight?

Since dogs have the ability to sense human emotions, that means they are going to react in a similar emotional way as the energy that is surrounding them. Your dog will experience the same emotions as you would if you were in a fight with someone and were upset, angry, or agitated.

Please continue reading to learn more about why dogs bark when people fight.

Why Do Dogs Bark When Humans Fight?

Here are some common causes and what would increase their likelihood.

Not Used To Seeing You Upset

They’re accustomed to being in a quiet setting, and you don’t tend to yell. So they are startled by the sudden tension and raucous voices.

They are perplexed, trying to understand why you are upset, and they want to be of assistance.

This is the reason why we have ESAs (Emotional Support Animals; in this case, dogs); a different story.

Your dog uses their voice because they can hear yours. They’re trying to divert your attention because they want to keep you safe.

Your dog will become upset if they see you crying and sad. They’ll discover a way to participate and offer assistance.

If they could grab their toy and hand it to you, it’s certain they would

Used To Seeing You Upset

This is applicable to those who share a home with a frequent argumentator.

Has screaming around the house become a habit? Were you anticipating your dog to ignore it or simply move on?

It’s become common for your dog to yell because they’re constantly seeing and hearing you do it.

It is common for dogs to take on the personality traits of their owners.

Simply put, some traits, if not all of what your dog sees in you, it is mirroring in your dog (only you can tell which ones, though). It has learned to use the yelling, which can be interpreted as either excitement or hostility.

Doesn’t Know And/or Doesn’t Like Who You’re Arguing With

Once more, you need to be protected by your goodest boy or girl. As a result, when you argue with someone they don’t know, they’ll bark.

Your dog is wondering what is upsetting you and why that person is acting in that way. They’ll have to participate out of instinct.

In particular, if we treat them well, dogs will help us and come to our aid even when we are not aware of it. If you believe dogs are capable of love, consider the earlier question.

No, there is no evidence from science to support this. There is no denying, however, that humans and dogs share a special emotional bond.

On the other hand, imagine that you and a roommate are at odds. The dog asks itself, “I’m going to pick one of these two.”

It’s likely that the dog won’t choose sides if you and the other person have close bonds with it on an equal basis. It will attempt to divert your attention instead of trying to end the argument.

We can imagine that some dogs think similarly to people. They won’t choose a side unless they have a preference for one over the other.

Doesn’t Want You To Hurt Each Other

It may be acting in this way because it fears that you will hurt each other and wants you to stop. This would be more likely if you were having an argument with someone who your dog also spends a lot of time with and if you were arguing loudly or violently with them. The best course of action in this situation is probably to maintain your composure around your dog and to handle your issues with the other family member more calmly.

Feel Scared

Another reason why it might be scared of you is because it perceives one of you—or both of you—as being threatening. This would be more likely if it displays bodily cues that indicate fear, such as hiding, sobbing, or shrinking in size.

Thinks You’re In Danger

It may also be because it believes you are in danger. This would be more likely if it does it more frequently when the other person is posing a threat and if it exhibits threatening behaviors like growling, baring its teeth, and curling its nose. See more about Why Do Dogs Blow Out Their Nose?

Feeling Agitated

We humans find it upsetting when people are fighting. We want the commotion to end and are unsure of the reason for it.

Dogs experience the same emotions, and they may believe that you are the one who is bothering them.

Imagine you and your partner are having a heated argument when your dog starts barking nonstop. You become enraged and yell at them.

Great, they now believe you are angry with them.

You didn’t mean to say that, of course, but look to see if they’re:

  • Peeing.
  • Shaking.
  • Whimpering.
  • Averting eyes.
  • Whale eye-ing.
  • the traditional puppy-dog expression.

Additionally, you might want to keep an eye out for signs of rising aggression or anxiety in your dog.

Lacks Social Skills

Even our closest friends would feel uneasy in an unfamiliar situation.

Although not all dogs, those that lack socialization frequently exhibit fear or aggression.

There are additional issues brought on by limited exposure to people and other dogs, including:

  • Reactivity.
  • Sound sensitivity.
  • a feeling of widespread dread.
  • Unease around humans and other dogs.

Aside from being difficult to handle, your dog might also be afraid of new experiences.

Solutions For Dogs Barking When Humans Fight

Every situation and your dog can be made more peaceful. It’s crucial to keep your dog’s feelings in mind as well. Even though it might be difficult in the heat of the moment, try to take a moment to check on your dog.

If you are too hot to do this on your own, we are confident that when you hear your dog barking or crying, you will understand that they are suffering just as much as you are, and you will be able to cool down a bit.

Here is a quick list of steps you can take if you notice that your dog is becoming upset or bothered by your arguments with others.

Use Positive Reinforcement

After your dog has witnessed you fighting, this is the best way to calm it down. To ease the tension, they require some love. You can both enjoy and find comfort in cuddling your dog and speaking in a soft voice to calm them.

Don’t Ignore Your Dog!

Never shut your dog down, drive it away, or start shouting at it. We understand that fighting can impair anyone’s ability to think clearly. These can cause them big trauma, and they can start doing some things like licking you or they might even nibble on you.

Stop Fighting Immediately

Right now, doing this is the most sensible thing to do, but it can also be challenging. Everybody experiences occasional overwhelm, and when this happens, we often lose our minds. However, try to stop it right away if you notice your dog growling at you while you are arguing.

Try To Make The Fight Low-key

If you have a larger home and can separate yourself from the dog, this is an option. In order to prevent your dog from hearing anything, you should maintain silence. When you think about it, ending the argument would be preferable to doing all of this.

Dogs Sensing Fighting History

Dogs are remarkably perceptive creatures. In the same way that humans are affected emotionally by their surroundings, they have an innate awareness of what is going on around them. Due to domestication, dogs and humans have grown close.

They now have a better understanding of our attitudes, way of life, and how we react to various events. Dogs are able to sense human emotions, so their emotional responses will match the energy present. Your dog will feel the same emotions that you would if you were upset, angry, or anxious during a conflict with another person.

Since dogs have always had such a close bond with humans, it is safe to assume that they have always been able to sense when fights are taking place as well as when their owners are angry or upset.

Things To Do When Your Dog Barking And You’re Fighting

Consider Your Dog’s Emotional State

Look over and observe your dog. In this situation, you might have yelled at them. Unlike humans, dogs don’t understand what shouting means. Even though it may be effective at getting someone else to stop talking, dogs see it as a way to become even more enthused.

If you make them interact with people or dogs they don’t want to, that’s another problem. It is obviously problematic if the “offending” party resides next door, so pick to consult a professional. Canines are transient beings. Consequently, if they are upset with you for a while, don’t worry; they will get over it.

With Whom & How Often Do You Fight?

It can be challenging, which puts your dog through a lot of stress, if the person you frequently argue with lives in your house. It makes no difference who you should get rid of; it is completely unnecessary. You can make an effort to minimize conflicts and consider what’s best for your dog. Getting rid of obtrusive people is advantageous while we’re talking about self-improvement.

Do You Fight All The Time?

Before attempting to fix your dog, make the environment better. They look to you as both a human and a dog parent. They must be top of your list of priorities, so keep that in mind. The steps below should be followed when you feel like screaming, yelling, or arguing:

Step aside.

Slow down

Slow down

Remain composed, in charge, and keep your cool. You’ll be surprised to see your dog act like you because they can smell you doing it.

Does Your Dog Have Accepted Your Manners

Your dog gets antsy if there are arguments around all the time. Attempts will be made to resolve conflicts several times if they happen frequently. Start implementing the changes advised in tip 1 if this has led to your dog acting out particularly aggressively. If you are calm, your dog will be as well because they are reflections of your personality.

If your dog has gotten to the point where you can no longer control it, seek professional help. There is always something that needs fixing, even if your dog is older. Dog expert Dr. Stanley Coren PhD, DSc, FRSC asserts that older dogs learn less quickly but retain information. a senior dog can pick up new skills. Always be patient.

Why Do Dogs Bark When Humans Fight Common & Potential Reasons
Why Do Dogs Bark When Humans Fight? Common & Potential Reasons

Other Signs That Your Dog Will Show Besides Barking

Like humans, dogs don’t simply express their emotions by doing one thing. The behaviors are typically a mix of different ones. Barking is an example of one major behavior that can be combined with others.

Some of these things have already been mentioned, but we have compiled a list of potential signs that your dog may exhibit when people fight.


Dogs will do this if they sense danger or if they believe the person you are fighting is malicious or bad. They act in such a way to intimidate the other person. This can be frightening when dealing with larger dogs.


Your dog is showing a lot of fear by acting in this way. This is frequently accompanied by some barking, tucking of the tail, and ear dropping. You might have a serious issue if this behavior persists in situations other than when an argument is occurring. The quality of life for your dog won’t be very good.


We, humans, experience this symptom frequently as well. They simply start moving extremely quickly because they feel too much pressure to stop. This may be an attempt by your herding dog to defuse the situation if you have one.

Cry At Night

Although nighttime sobbing is not a momentary occurrence, your dog may experience some trauma that causes them to sob while they are sleeping.

The main point we want to make is that if you fight frequently, your dog may experience trauma and their behavior may change significantly. Dogs don’t just start barking and stop there.

Usually, barking is just a way of communication that is followed by another behavioral sign that can stick with dogs for a long time. Whenever a more dire situation arises, make an effort to keep your dog in mind.

Tuck Their Tail

Fear and worry are manifested in this way. By doing this, they are communicating to you that they are overwhelmed and unsure of how to resolve the situation. Most frequently, it is combined with either crying or barking.


This might indicate either fear or rage. However, the most important thing to note when you observe this is that they are undoubtedly overwhelmed.

Give You A Toy To Distract You

In most cases, they will do this if they witness you fighting with someone else they also know and love. They’ll bring the toy as a gesture of goodwill. Even those with the hardest hearts will be moved by this gesture and cease fighting.

Become Overprotective

This can take many forms, such as following you to the bathroom, constantly scanning the area for potential threats, or not allowing anyone close to you. Over time, they might become overly reliant on you, which can cause problems.

Trigger Things For Dogs To Bark When People Fight?

Your dog may react by barking if you are fighting because they think you are fighting. They might retaliate if they sense the tension and feel the need to flee. This reaction might be your dog’s first indication of stress and fear if it’s a puppy. Dogs’ instincts to respond are triggered by the sounds, voices, and movements they hear. Dogs comprehend feelings like fear, aggression, and the potential physical danger posed by humans. When people are fighting, their body language might not be perfect or aggressive enough for a dog to understand what is happening or whether there is a real threat. This can also set off your dog’s instincts, as it makes them bark when they notice something strange or hear something strange.

Final Words

Therefore, why do dogs bark when people fight?

Dogs are incredibly devoted to their owners and frequently bravely defend them in perilous circumstances. Some dogs will bark and behave aggressively when there is a dispute. This is a result of their innate desire to defend their owners. Although this isn’t always the case, some dogs will stop barking when people stop fighting. Understanding the dog’s motivation for barking will help you prevent future instances of it. Have a close relationship with your dog and teach it manners, such as how to sit or remain calm around strangers, to prevent aggression.

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