dog and owner are happy

How To Make A Dog Laugh And Happy Completely: Top And Simple Tips

Dogs undoubtedly make us chuckle. The more important query is, do WE make our dogs laugh? Or do dogs joke around with one another? What does a dog laugh like if it actually does?

Fortunately, science has the answers to all of our questions. Here are several ways that dogs have been seen to “laugh”.

Do Dogs Understand Smile?

The majority of people think that a dog smiling is when his tail is wagging. However, there is one canine facial expression that closely resembles the way we humans smile. Jaws are only slightly open in this expression, revealing the dog’s tongue curled around his front teeth. The eyes frequently form a teardrop shape simultaneously, as if they were being dragged slightly upward at the outer corners. It is a laid-back expression that is typically seen while the dog is chilling out, having fun, or engaging with others, particularly with people. The dog’s mouth closes and the tongue is hidden as soon as anxiety or tension is present.

Dogs can laugh as well, and they usually do so when they are having fun. Canine laughter starts off with the canine equivalent of a smile but also makes a sound very similar to panting. Patricia Simonet, an expert in animal behavior, captured the sounds as the dogs were playing several years ago at Sierra Nevada College near Lake Tahoe. She discovered after listening to the recordings that they covered a wider spectrum of frequencies than typical canine panting. Simonet observed that recordings of these noises caused puppies to cavort for delight in one trial, and she was able to demonstrate that the same sounds also helped to calm canines in an animal shelter in another experiment.

Can Dogs Laugh?

The big question, and probably the main reason you’re here. The real story? Yes, dogs are capable of laughing, and they do so for the same reasons as people, just not in the same manner.

Laughter has long been demonstrated to exist in primate species, thus there’s a reasonable likelihood that dogs can also laugh, albeit not in the classic sense, despite some scientists’ claims to the contrary.

When being tickled or engaged in play, the majority of animals, including dogs, exhibit at least some emotional response. Not only may dogs laugh when the occasion demands it, but they can also grin, which is crucial to remember because it frequently precedes laughter.

You won’t discover a dog’s laughter to be an exact replica of human laughter. However, the following list of indications that your dog may be giggling.

Laughing dog
Laughing dog

Can A Dog Have A Funny Side?

Surprisingly, the answer is yes, and we’ve been aware of this for a lot longer than you might think.

Dogs enjoy playing the most, and they have demonstrated an exciting predilection for practical pranks related to this activity.

Similar games have been played by many dog owners. When you throw a ball or stick to your dog, they race after it and grab it. However, they leave and lie down a short distance away from you rather than running back to you. You get closer in an attempt to continue the game. Your dog stands up right away, walks a little ways away, then sits down once more.

Read about: Do Dogs Ever Get Tired Of Barking: How To Stop It? – Better Doggy

Unbelievably, dogs like irritating their owners in this fashion and consider it to be the canine version of a practical joke or prank.

We can easily understand why a pup might find running away from you funny for the same reason kids find it amusing to defy their parents, even though what they find humorous doesn’t always make sense or correspond to our own conceptions of a comedy.

Can I Make Dog Laugh?

Dogs frequently smile or chuckle on their own, without being prodded or urged to. Many dog owners would still like to learn how to make their dogs smile and make them laugh, even if it’s just for a little while.

Some dog owners even educate their dogs on how to smile on cue. But laughter is another matter entirely, and the greatest strategy for getting your dog to laugh should involve both joy and excitement.

Introduction Of How To Make A Dog Laugh And Happy Completely

The Lips

Make a “huh” sound with your lips slightly rounded. (The sound must be breathy with no actual voicing, therefore there should be no vibration when you touch your throat while producing the sound.)


Make a “hah” sound while smiling with your mouth open. Do not vocal the sound; instead, inhale it.

Sound Adding

To make a dog chuckle, combine steps one and two. The correct pronunciation is “huh-hah-huh-hah.” Your dog should mimic you by getting up, wagging his tail, coming over to you from another room, or even laughing.

Methods Of How To Make Dog Laugh And Happy

Method 1:Take Them for a Ride

Materials such as a car, motorcycle, or bicycle depend on the size of your dog. If you’ve had a dog for any length of time, you know how much dogs like going for drives, particularly if they wind up at a park or the beach. If you get your dog excited enough, you might hear them panting loudly and see them stick their head out the window while grinning widely. In reality, this is laughter, and here’s how to get your dog to laugh.

Many dogs are able to recognize the word and will get an alert right away. As you make your way to your car, take hold of their leash and collar or harness. They’ll probably start barking and jumping if they’re thrilled. Once you and your dog are in the vehicle, you can secure them by connecting their harness and seatbelt or, if it is safe to do so, you can allow them to poke their heads out the window. To really make them feel the wind in their ears and, well, fur, alternate between slowly moving and a little bit faster speeds. When speaking to your pet, be enthusiastic in your voice. If your dog usually enjoys riding in automobiles or motorcycles, taking a drive is one of the best ways to make them smile and giggle.

If your dog is small enough, you can let them sit in the basket of your bicycle or purchase specific seats for dogs for motorbikes.

Method 2:Go For A Walk

Walking is the best way to experience both joy and excitement. You’ll need a leash, collar, and harness for your dog. Telling your dog that you are going for a stroll might be enough to make it happy and wag its tail wildly. Put on its leash, then go outside. Mix walking and running with lots of self-praise and laughter. It’s likely that your improved disposition will provide your dog the motivation it needs to return home giggling with delight.

Method 3:Take Part In The Zoomies

In dogs, zoomies are brief spurts of extremely high energy. They typically consist of digging rushing around like they’ve lost their minds and engaging in endless play bows in an effort to engage others.

Turn your dog’s zoomies into a game of chase when you see them getting excited to run.

They start zooming through the house, either running after them or fleeing from them.

Additionally, you can get people to start laughing by making jokes and laughing while you run.

Dogs typically don’t laugh until they’ve used up all their energy, so you might have to keep running and laughing for a few minutes.

Method 4:Play With A Toy Or Ball

You can take advantage of the fact that all dogs enjoy playing with their toys, though some may prefer them more than others, to make your dog giggle. You require to get your dog’s favorite ball or toy ready. Bring them a ball or one of their favorite toys. To motivate them, communicate in baby terms. Throw the ball or toy, but as they try to give it back, run after them or flee from them rather than allowing them to give it back to you directly. Dogs frequently play tricks on people, therefore this is one of them. They’re more likely to comprehend what you’re doing and find the humor in it.

Method 5: Copying Their Guffaws

Dogs are better than humans at recognizing laughter in other canines. Imitating the sound your dog makes might be your best bet if you want to try to make them chuckle without rousing them.

Make a deep “huh” sound with your breath while circling your mouth. Don’t truly speak aloud.

Then, while still using only your breath and no voice, make the shape of a smile with your lips before making a “hah” sound. In front of your dog, repeatedly make these noises in succession.

Your dog might sit up, tilt its head, and even come over to you when it begins to chuckle on its own if you’re producing the correct noise.


The finest medicine in life is a good laugh. No matter where they come from in terms of culture, they all share this. What about dogs, though? I doubt many people will give their pet’s comprehension or ability to experience human emotions any thought. The article gave a thorough answer on how to make dogs laugh and happy completely. Hope these tips will help you a lot.