Why Does My Dog Cry With Squeaky Toys What You Should Know

Why Does My Dog Cry With Squeaky Toys? What You Should Know

Squeaky toys, those adorable, small playthings we use to occupy babies, have evolved into objects of joy and a source of distraction for dogs. A squeaky toy, on the other hand, actually does what it says on the box. Depending on how loud it squeaks, the toy can be very irritating at times and frequently cause some stress in some dogs.

So, why does my dog cry with squeaky toys?

Reasons for my dog cry with squeaky toys: The high-pitched squeaker is often confused by dogs with similar-level sounds. A small animal noise that triggers the dog’s hunting instinct, a puppy’s cry, or simply a reminder that this toy is the best in the basket and needs to be guarded at all costs. The squeaking toy may cause some people to feel defensive and want to keep it to themselves.

Whatever the cause of the crying, it stems from your dog’s ancestral dynamics, which were focused on hunting small, squeaky animals or birds. 

If your dog is crying while you are at home with them, the annoying squeaky sound will annoy you twice as much. You should investigate this behavior further or maybe just squish the squeaker altogether. Remember not to yell at your dog; after all, who bought the toy in the first place?

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Why Does My Dog Cry When Playing With A Squeaky Toy

Excitation and an attempt to grab your attention are just two of the many motives.

She Thinks Its A Prey

Your dog may cry while playing with a squeaky toy because it believes the toy to be prey due to the sound it makes. Most dogs enjoy playing with squeaky toys, but occasionally you’ll run into dogs who cry or whine when they’re playing with one.

Because dogs were bred to hunt small animals, it would be genetically predisposed for them to cry when playing with a squeaky toy. Your dog’s natural instinct would be to pursue the prey because the sound made by a squeaky toy is very similar to that of a small animal like a rabbit. Your dog may be giddy with anticipation for the hunt, and as a display of that excitement, it may whine or cry.

To Catch Your Attention

Your dog may also cry when playing with a squeaky toy in order to get your attention. The toy is being brought to you by your dog because he wants you to play with it, so don’t be surprised if you see him crying while doing so.

Dental Problems

Dogs use their mouths to play with and chew on toys, so if you notice them whining or crying whenever they try to do so, it may be because they have underlying dental problems. Your dog could be in pain, which is another possibility. Have a veterinarian examine them.

However, if your dog’s behavior is upsetting you, you can try training them by rewarding them with treats and praise when they stop whining or crying. While a dog’s whining or crying is not usually a big deal, if yours is, you can try this method.

When I Squeak Her Toy, My Dog Cry

Your dog becomes excited by squeaky toys because they mimic the sounds of small animals (such as rodents, squirrels, etc.).

Sound Of Prey

Squeaky toys are one of the main causes of dog crying because they mimic the sound of prey. Dogs were bred to hunt small animals, and the toy’s squeaky sound stimulates their innate desire to pursue the prey. They cry to express their excitement.


Your dog may be delighted that you are playing with its toy, and crying or whining is a way for it to express this happiness. Some dogs must mimic every action and sound because they are copycats. Therefore, when you squeak its toy, it might be trying to imitate the squeaky sound by crying or whining.

Afraid Of The Noise

Your dog may be overly sensitive to noise, and the squeaky sound from its toy causes it discomfort, which is why it cries or whines. Dogs can be very possessive. Your dog may be upset that you are handling his or her favorite toy because you are squeaking it, as evidenced by the crying.

Afraid You Might Hurt Her Toy

Your dog may also be crying when you squeak her toy because it fears you might be harming the toy. The toy in question might be its favorite, and the squeak you hear might indicate that it is in pain. It may be crying to get you to release your hold on its toy. See more about Why Do Dogs Blow Out Their Nose?

My Dog Cry When I Give Him A Bully Stick

Such new toys excite canines.


Your dog may be crying out of excitement after receiving a treat if you give him a bully stick. When they receive treats, they stop crying or whining and instead make happy noises.


To prevent their rivals from obtaining it, dogs love to hide everything they enjoy or possess. When you give them a bully stick, they might enjoy it so much that they cry to express their annoyance at not being able to bury the treat inside your house.

Trying To Get More Treats

Your dog might consider crying to get more treats from you if you’ve ever justified giving them more treats. Your dog may be crying when you give it a bully stick if it has any wounds or dental problems that make it uncomfortable while chewing on treats.

Why Does My Dog Cry With Squeaky Toys What You Should Know
Why Does My Dog Cry With Squeaky Toys? What You Should Know

My Dog Whine While Chewing Toys

The pain in its teeth is one of the main causes of a dog whining while chewing on a toy.

Although chewing is a natural part of a dog’s life, if you notice them crying or whining while engaging in play, it may be a sign that they are experiencing dental problems. Puppies frequently experience the replacement of their baby teeth with permanent teeth. They will whine in pain whenever they try to chew on toys or eat their food.

To prevent any serious dental damage, take your adult dog to the vet as soon as you notice it shining while chewing food or toys.

Another reason a dog might whine while gnawing on a toy is if the dog is trying to destroy the toy with its teeth but is having no luck. Perhaps it is whining out of annoyance.

Your dog’s propensity for whining while chewing anything else may also be the cause of his whining while chewing toys. It may have learned to complain while chewing on objects from its parents or siblings.

Reasons For My Dog Scared Of Squeaky Toys

She might be scared of the noise because dogs don’t like loud noises.

Even soft sounds can be louder to dogs because of their sensitive hearing. If your dog dislikes loud noises in general, it may have dog phobias if it is afraid of squeaky toys. They might complain or try to hide from the toys as a result of the noise phobia.

If your dog is a rescue, it’s possible that it associates the sound of the squeaky toy with something awful, which is why it is afraid.

Try to calm your dog down by calmly petting or stroking it when it exhibits fear of squeaky toys or anything else. To reassure them that everything is fine, speak to them in a soothing voice. Every dog owner’s reaction when they discover that their pet is scared is normal, but doing this will help your dog overcome its fear of squeaky toys or loud noises in general by providing positive reinforcement.

Do Dog’s Ears Get Hurt From Squeaky Toys?

Do you get the impression that your dog might be uneasy while playing with a squeaky toy? Perhaps you are not so far off the mark.

Your dog may experience physical discomfort as a result of certain toys. To put it another way, you might just be killing them by being kind.

Dogs have a very acute sense of hearing. What might be painless to you and I might be painful to a dog. Dogs frequently howl when they hear a fire truck or an ambulance, and this is one of the reasons why.

They probably won’t play with the squeaky toy if it makes them uncomfortable. They might become irritated by it, and soon enough the toy will just be something you trip over and throw in the trash.

It is best to take away the toy and choose another if your dog displays any signs of irritation toward it. It won’t be difficult to select another toy that your dog will enjoy given the variety of options available.

Are Squeaky Toys Bad For Dogs

The fact that the toy they selected for their pet is not healthy for them is another issue that many pet owners worry about. In addition to the possibility that the toy’s sound is upsetting your dog, there may be other factors to take into account when choosing toys for your dog.

Giving your dog a toy and letting them play with it unattended is never a good idea, to start with. Of course, most pet owners won’t be able to use that, but unless you trust the toy, you shouldn’t depend on it for your dog’s well-being.

When playing with toys, some dogs can be quite rough, and if you aren’t paying close attention to them, they will quickly rip the toy to pieces. This is especially true of cheap toys, which are typically designed to be used only once. Never let your dog chew on one of these toys while sitting down because it can easily turn into a choking hazard.

A cheap squeaky toy’s “squeaker” might come loose and entrap an animal, so you should be careful with those as well. True tragedy would result from this.

Any toy might quickly reveal certain traits in your dog that are not usually present. Given that these tiny toys might resemble small animals, this also includes a possessive personality and possibly an innate desire to hunt.

When your dog gets a new toy, keep an eye on their behavior and take appropriate action to protect your pet if necessary.

Does Your Dog Whine While Biting A Bone?

The same reason your dog might complain about having a bone in their mouth also applies to whining about a squeaky toy. Giving them a chew toy may seem like such a kind gesture on our part, but in the long run, it could result in stressful behavior for both the dog and the rest of the household.

When you give a dog a bone, they will occasionally start to whine, and this is due to stress. Although it would seem easy for them to go enjoy the bone, they might be so excited that they are unsure of what to do.

When a new bone is in your dog’s mouth, something very similar might occur. Even if it’s done with the best of intentions, putting a dog in an unusual situation increases their susceptibility to exhibiting stress-related behavior.

Whatever it is—a juicy bone or a squeaky toy—your dog may be so stressed out by it because they adore it so much. Though you can also introduce it to them gradually to help lower their stress level, they will eventually settle down and enjoy it given enough time.

Does Your Dog Believe The Toy To Be Their Child?

The practice of “humanizing” pets is one that many pet owners favor. They frequently refer to the dog’s toys as their children, and it’s possible that they aren’t too far off from comprehending how their dog feels.

Many dogs have strong maternal instincts, and they will pass those instincts onto anything they own. This includes their toys, which they may simply carry and guard.

Even though this kind of behavior in your dog can be endearing, some pet owners find it to be concerning. Some dogs will fiercely defend their toys, snapping at other dogs who approach them. This kind of conduct is unacceptable, especially if there are young children living with you.

It’s interesting to note that during pregnancy, a dog may begin exhibiting particular behaviors with their toys. A dog crying while holding a soft toy is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. It could also be a false pregnancy, which can occur after a dog has been spayed or while it is in heat.

Should You Regulate Your Dog’s Toy Collection?

This is one of the choices that is best made by the pet parents in the house. The dog’s personality and what his human parents want are the real determining factors.

Even if you give a dog a ton of other toys, some dogs will only play with one and ignore the rest. On the other hand, some dogs have dozens of toys, and they love and respect each one of them.

The possibilities are truly endless as long as your dog plays well with the toys and you aren’t over-stimulating them by providing them with too many. Just be sure to look after the toys and check them frequently for damage.

Solve The Issue Of My Dog Crying Or Howling With His Squeaky Toy


His need for attention can be reduced with regular exercise. Make it a habit to play with your dog after work or on your days off, or to take long walks together.

Discourage Behavior

You must refrain from rewarding your dog when he cries or howls while interacting with his squeaky toy. When it behaves properly, reward it instead.

Visit The Vet

It is imperative to have the dog’s mouth examined by a veterinarian if there are any sores or even bleeding gum. The fact that the issue can be solved with the right medication is the best thing.


It’s impossible to ignore the sound of someone crying. Never let your favorite dog suffer, of course. The toy was actually purchased for enjoyable playtime, which is why you bought it. Consider assessing the situation rather than bringing out the tears with your dog. You can play “happy dog/sad dog” and decide if the squeaky toy is a winner or not. See if Fifi gives her paw of approval on this one, and if you believe it is down with squeakers, you will know what to do to maintain your smile.