Why Does My Dog Lick My Pants All You Want To know

Why Does My Dog Lick My Pants? All You Want To know

Even though we adore our pets dearly, their actions frequently defy common sense. When our pet does something repulsive (or strange or bizarre), we stare in complete horror, shock, or even amazement. Each of us has experienced times when we have asked our pet, “Who are you?” How come you behave that way?!
For example, some dogs have a propensity to lick their owner’s pants, but not because they are covered in bacon or gravy fat or because they smell like the strange dog you saw in the pet store. What causes some dog breeds to act in this strangely cruel way toward us?

Why does dog lick my pants? Common reasons: attraction toward the smell, anxiety, attention seeking, loneliness, compulsive disorder, and influenced by another dog.

Although it’s challenging to answer, we’ve highlighted a few options in this article as potential solutions.

For more specific information, keep reading.

Why Does My Dog Lick My Pants?

The taste and scent of your poop attracts your dog, which is why it licks them. Human genital organs secrete sweat, pheromones, and other fluids, and the scent of these substances accumulated in the underwear.

There are a number of other factors at play when your dog licks your poop, besides the fact that they taste and smell good. Let’s look at them now.

Attraction Toward The Smell

Dogs are far more sensitive to smells than people are, and they love to sniff and lick anything that smells unfamiliar or like their favorite person. They do not make an exception when it comes to panties or underwear, and while it may be disgusting to humans but cute to dogs, they do it to show their love.


Your dog’s anxiety is another reason it might be licking your underwear.

Similar to how humans eat chocolate or other foods to reduce their stress, a dog’s body releases endorphins when it licks something, which can help them relax and reduce stress. Your dog may experience anxiety if they are left alone or if an unfamiliar person is around.

Attention Seeking

Dogs may turn to licking or eating their own poop to get your attention if you have a busy schedule and are unable to give them enough time. Other than licking, barking, chewing, scratching, and eating things other than food items are some of the ways for a dog to get your attention

They communicate their need for love and attention from you by licking or chewing on your underwear. Try to spend some time with your dog; otherwise, their behavior might cause them to become anxious.


Another explanation for your dogs licking your underwear is loneliness and boredom. It may be licking your underwear because it is bored. People occasionally neglect their dogs’ needs because of household duties or work demands.

When bored, humans can pass the time in a variety of ways; dogs cannot. Spend some time playing with and caring for your dog during a break in your busy schedule.

Because the smell of underwear is similar to that of their owner, dogs who are feeling lonely may turn to licking their owners’ underwear or pants.

Compulsive Disorder

If your dog is licking your underwear, it may have a compulsive disorder. Canine compulsive disorder causes some behaviors in dogs, which they repeat. Your dog may have a compulsive disorder if you notice them licking your underwear repeatedly.

Influenced By Another Dog

It’s possible that if your dog has ever been around another dog who has a habit of licking their owners’ bottoms, your dog may have picked up that behavior from them. See more about Why Do Dogs Blow Out Their Nose?

How To Stop Your Dog From Eating Your Pants Or Other Clothing

Keep Clothes Out Of Reach

The best way to prevent your dog from eating clothes is to keep them out of reach. Use a basket or a bin to store your dirty clothes, but make sure the container has a lid.

Keep all of your clean laundry in closed cabinets or drawers. When our clothes are dirty, they pick up distinct odors from our bodies, and sometimes those odors cling to the clothes even after we wash them. Because of this, it’s imperative to keep the dogs away from both clean and dirty laundry.

Check to see if you are spending enough time with your dog if boredom is the cause of him or her nibbling on the crotch of your pants.

Spend Time With Him

Bring toys for your dog to chew on and play with while you take them on long walks and runs. Dogs have a lot of energy, and if that energy is not fully expended, they may resort to mess and destruction.

Train This Behavior Out Of Him

Using verbal commands, you can teach your dog to stop gnawing on and devouring your clothes. Use basic voice commands like stop or leave it, and when they comply, praise them. See more about Why Does My Dog Cry With Squeaky Toys?

What Makes My Dog Eat My Pant Crotches?

The sense of smell in dogs is much stronger than in humans, and they have a very sensitive nose. Some dogs may only lick and smell the pants, while others may even eat and swallow them.

It’s possible that your dog eats your pants because of how strongly scented the crotch area is and how that attracts dogs.

A dog would frequently greet a person with its nose right up to the crotch. It’s because our crotch area has an overpowering scent of pheromones and other odors produced by our sweat glands, and because dogs use smell to identify a person.

Dogs enjoy the strong smell that is present in the crotch of your pants, so if you find your dog trying to lick or eat it, it is probably because they do. Other than the dog enjoying the taste and smell of your pants, there can be other possible reasons for them trying to eat your panties which include:

  • The flavor and aroma of your pants attracts them.
  • A bored dog may also turn to eating your underwear.
  • Dogs tend to be guarding creatures, so if your pants are something you value and want to keep hidden from others, they may end up being eaten.
  • Your dog may also chew on your clothes out of anxiety because they smell like you and they think they are near you when they do so.
  • In addition to chewing on your pants or other items of clothing, young puppies going through the teething stage may do so to soothe their sore gums.
  • Dogs with this compulsive disorder have a penchant for chewing on objects.
  • A dog could also eat your underwear if you have a medical condition or deficiency.

Why Does My Dog Keep Licking My Underwear?

Because the glands in your genital region secrete sweat, urine, and other bodily fluids into your underwear, your dog licks your underwear because of the smell and taste they impart.

Contrary to what many people believe, it has nothing to do with your dog finding you attractive sexually. As long as it belongs to someone they like, a dog will lick both a man’s and a woman’s underwear.

Dogs and underwear both have a propensity for eating and licking smelly objects, such as a pair of filthy socks.

Why Does My Dog Lick My Pants All You Want To know
Why Does My Dog Lick My Pants? All You Want To know

What Makes My Dog Keep Attempting To Lick My Underwear?

It has been discovered that dogs are able to detect the chemical known as pheromones that your sweaty body parts produce. Pheromones are highly informative about our eating and mood patterns, as well as our health, even when a woman is menstruating or pregnant.

Why Does My Dog Keep Licking My Clothes?

Excessive licking could be a symptom of a variety of problems, including liver disease, inflammation of the intestines, dental problems, and other problems. Since the fabric is the canines’ equivalent of Pepto-Bismol, they are known to lick it when they have stomachaches. Discuss Rascal’s diet with your veterinarian. Pay attention to his licking.

Are Canine Kisses Actually Kisses?

“Dogs typically lick people as a sign of affection. But if the dog is licking a person who is upset or anxious, this could indicate stress. Since they are aware that licking someone is a kind act, it helps them to decompress. Other dogs enjoy giving everyone they meet a kiss!.

Why Do Dogs Keep Attempting To Lick Your Mouth?

Dogs enjoy the sensation of licking, so they may enjoy a gentle lick on your mouth even if you do not. If your dog has a calming disposition, he might just be grooming your hair while showing respect to you as the pack leader by bowing and focusing on you.

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Undercarriage?

Other than for grooming, there are several important causes for why dogs rub their butts. Dogs may lick their butts due to anal gland problems, parasites, skin infections, and allergies. Dogs frequently lick their butts to soothe itch and discomfort. Additionally, it’s possible that your pet has a skin infection.

Why Do Dogs Lick Everything So Much?

Dogs lick their skin to relieve irritations, which may be brought on by an injury, reaction, skin condition, or allergy. It can also help relieve the pain brought on by conditions like arthritis. All of that, however, only serves as a means of provoking annoyance and even complications like infections.

Why Does My Dog Constantly Lick My Face?

A dog will lick its lips to show that it respects its social environment. It might also be a request for food, a request for social assistance, or a sign of love or attention. The face of your pet, your face, or other body parts may be licked by your dog.

Why Do Canines Cock Their Heads?

Similarly, dogs behave. To gain a better perspective and get around their obstructing muzzles, they are slanting their heads. With this adorable head tilt, dogs can see farther and see faces of people more clearly.

My Dog Keeps Looking At Me; Why?

Just as people fall in love with people when they look into their eyes, dog owners fall in love with their dogs when they look into their eyes. In reality, the mutual gaze between dogs and humans release Oxytocin, which is commonly referred to as the”love hormone. This chemical is essential for bonding because it fosters feelings of love and trust.


Discovering the root of your dog’s propensity to lick your pants is crucial. Bonding can occur through licking.

It might be an indication of a nutrient deficiency if your dog has a strong scent. You should speak with your veterinarian if your dog dislikes the scent of your pants. Your dog may have diarrhea or a nutritional deficiency if he or she has a medical condition.

A more serious problem could be indicated if your dog enjoys the scent of your underwear. The issue might be as straightforward as a nutrient deficiency. It may indicate that your dog is hungry if it keeps licking your pants.

Similar to excessive tongue-licking, excessive pant-licking could indicate a problem with the liver or adrenal glands.

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