How Long Do Standard Poodles Live Find Out About Poodles Lifespan

How Long Do Standard Poodles Live? Find Out About Poodles Lifespan

How long do standard poodles live?

The lifespan of poodles varies greatly depending on their size and breed. Poodles live 12 to 14 years on average, but the smaller the greater their chance of living a long life. Standard Poodles live an average of 12 years, Miniature Poodles live 14 years, and Toy Poodles live an even more impressive 14 years.

Regardless of size, these are all witty, energetic dogs. Interestingly, regardless of breed, a Poodle can live up to 18 to 19 years, though the oldest Poodle ever lived an impressive 24 years! 

Today we’ll discuss why smaller dogs typically live longer and provide you with advice on how to make your pet Poodle as long-lived as possible.  Breeding dogs benefit from good care and health checks.

What Is The Lifespan Of A Poodle?

The average lifespan for standard Poodles is 12-15 years. On the other hand, there are three distinct types of them: standard, miniature, and Toy. The average life expectancy of a miniature poodle is between 14 and 17 years, while that of a toy poodle is 16 years. As you can see, the Poodle breeds that are smaller actually have longer life spans. 

According to a study of the physiological traits of dogs, the physical size and lifespan of domestic animals may be inversely related.

Numerous factors contribute to this, including the fact that smaller dogs have faster metabolic rates and live longer than their larger counterparts.

Trends Of Poodle Lifespan

The Poodle outlives shorter-living breeds and is among breeds with average to long lifespans, according to this lifespan range. In terms of lifespan, size plays a significant role. The classes of Poodle all support the idea that small dogs typically live longer than large dogs.

The average Poodle lives longer as they get smaller. It’s interesting to note that Poodles of all sizes had similar lifespans. Who, however, lived the longest among Poodles? A toy poodle named Chichi reportedly lived to a ripe old age of 24!

There are other factors besides size that can affect lifespan. These include your particular dog’s health as well as the breed’s general genetic health. Look at some typical Poodle health issues and how they might affect the breed’s lifespan in general. See more about How Long Does Mini Schnauzer Live?

What Is The Oldest Age Of A Standard Poodle Reported?

Your curiosity about the longest Standard Poodle to date may have been piqued now that you are aware of their average lifespan.

You’re not alone, and everyone enjoys hearing about success stories and information that deviates from the norm.

According to records, the oldest Standard Poodle to have lived is 18 years old. That’s a whopping three years longer than its predicted lifespan!

Cool, right?

The owner must have been very content to have had that Poodle around for such a long time. 

Leading Causes Of Death Of Poodles

Over 74 thousand dogs of all breeds were subjected to a thorough study by the University of Georgia that lasted 20 years and looked at the causes of death. Here are the results:

Standard Poodle – Gastrointestinal disease (16) was the most common cause of death by organ system.7 %) and the 2 leading causes of death by disease were Trauma (10%) and cancer (27.1%).

Toy Poodle – Neurological disorders (16) were the main organ system-related cause of death.1 %) and the 2 leading causes of death by disease were Cancer (11.%) and trauma (11.7%).

Miniature Poodle – By organ system, neurological disorders ranked first (13%) and the 2 leading causes of death by disease were Trauma (9.5%) and cancer (18.5%).

How Long Do Standard Poodles Live Find Out About Poodles Lifespan
How Long Do Standard Poodles Live? Find Out About Poodles Lifespan

Health Issues Of Poodles

Although they are not always fatal, the following health conditions frequently affect the Poodle breed:

  • Addison’s disease (not often fatal if caught early and proper medication and treatment are given)
  • Gastric dilatation volvulus AKA bloat (can be dangerous fatal and most often seen in Standard Poodles, however with good feeding methods, exercise methods, and knowing to look for early signs, can be treated in many cases)
  • Thyroid issues
  • Tracheal collapse (most common with Toy Poodles, not fatal in and of itself but can moderately to severely lower quality of life)
  • Epilepsy
  • Cushing’s Disease
  • Sebaceous adenitis
  • Juvenile renal disease
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Bladder stones
  • Cancer

Can Health Testing Prolong The Life Of A Poodle?

The most important thing you can do is choose a trustworthy Poodle breeder who checks their dogs for inherited health issues. It’s crucial that your breeder adheres to all health testing recommendations given the high incidence of inherited Poodle health issues.

DNA tests and medical exams by veterinary specialists are two examples of health testing.

Ask to see the test results for both parents when choosing a puppy. The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals or another similar organization should be notified of the test results.

Read about: How Long Does A Goldendoodle Live? Facts About Average Lifespan – Better Doggy

What Can Be Done To Increase A Standard Poodle’s Lifespan?

The adage “prevention is better than cure” may be familiar to you. If you are, you should be aware that as a dog owner, it is your responsibility to do everything in your power to preserve your dog’s life for as long as possible. The following actions should be taken in order to avoid an early death:

Reduce The Risk Of Trauma

Due to their high level of activity, Standard Poodles are a breed that enjoys playing. Because they are so playful, they can occasionally be more prone to mishaps and getting into trouble. Always keep an eye on them when they’re playing outside your house to prevent them from hurting themselves or getting into mischief with other dogs.

Frequently Exercise

Being an active breed, standard poodles benefit from regular exercise by becoming leaner and living longer. By taking them on walks, playing fetch, running in the yard, and taking them to the dog park, you can easily incorporate exercise into their daily lives.

Follow A Good Diet

The best thing you can do for your Standard Poodle is to feed it wholesome food that has been approved by a veterinarian. A veterinarian will provide food recommendations based on your dog’s weight, age, and medical conditions.

Prevent Infections

Poodles are susceptible to infections, which, if left untreated, can spread to their organs and even cause death. By regularly bathing, cleaning their ears, brushing their teeth, and taking care of their grooming needs, you can lower their risk of contracting infections. 

More Health Testing

A short lifespan may result from some standard Poodles having inherited health issues. You should make sure your Standard Poodle has yearly health examinations to make sure its conditions can be maintained or treated in order to lower this risk. 

Similar to this, you must ensure that breeders who you intend to purchase from conduct genetic and health testing. No Standard Poodle with defects will be sold to you by a reputable breeder, and no Standard Poodles with defects will be crossed.

When Should You Release A Poodle Who Is Sick?

Since only about 25% of dogs pass away peacefully while they sleep, most of the remaining 75% will require owners to make “end of life” decisions. 

It is suggested at this point to consider the quality of life because making this choice is by no means simple. A courageous dog owner will agree to endure the pain of losing his or her dog in order to relieve the suffering of an older, ill dog who is having trouble breathing or is in nearly constant pain and medical intervention is unable to help.

The Average Lifespan Of Small Dogs

Knowing how long you can realistically expect your small dog to live is crucial because properly caring for an animal is a huge responsibility. The typical lifespan of small dog breeds ranges from 12 to 14 years.

Popular small dog breeds’ life spans:

  • French Bulldog = 10-12 years
  • Beagle = 12-15 years
  • Miniature Poodle = 14-16 years
  • Toy Poodle = 14-16 years
  • Yorkshire Terrier = 12-16 years

The Average Lifespan Of Large Dogs

Since properly caring for a pet is a serious responsibility, it is crucial to understand how long you can expect your large dog to live. The average lifespan of large dog breeds is typically between 9 and 12 years.

life expectancies for popular large dog breeds:

  • German Shorthaired Pointer = 12-14 years
  • Great Dane = 7-10 years
  • Bernese Mountain Dog = 7-10 years
  • German Shepherd = 10-13 years
  • Rottweiler = 8-11 years


The article talked about how long standard poodles live. 

The tallest and heaviest breed of Poodles in existence is called standard pooches. Generally speaking, dogs of this breed tend to be active and healthy. However, because of their size, they run the risk of inheriting some conditions that can be identified and treated through routine medical exams. 

A Standard Poodle typically lives between 12 and 15 years, which is a little less than a Miniature or Toy Poodle. If you intend to keep a Standard Poodle, you can increase their lifespan by giving them frequent grooming, checking for infections, feeding them well, and taking them to the vet frequently.

What do you think about a Standard Poodle’s lifespan? Tell us in the comments section below.