How To Calm A Sexually Excited Dog Safe And Easy Tips

How To Calm A Sexually Excited Dog Safe And Easy Tips

When it comes to puppies and their hormones, new dog owners can occasionally feel overwhelmed. Every time you are in a public area, you can find yourself unable to keep your dog under control and embarrassed when they appear to have a sudden surge of hormonal energy!

You may be confident that other dog owners will agree with many of the advice below if you spend some time talking to more seasoned owners.

How to calm a sexually excited dog? A sexually agitated dog can be calmed down in a number of ways, with distraction serving as a key component in many of these methods.

Try out some of our techniques to calm down a dog who appears to be overcome with impulses if you find yourself in that situation.

How To Calm A Sexually Excited Dog?

Transform Them

You can turn your dog’s attention to other things instead of simply attracting their attention. Again, do this before they begin to grow.

But they must be irresistible. Otherwise, it will not work.

So, distract them by throwing their favorite toys or toys that make squeaks. And throw snacks on the ground.

You can also start a simple game of picking up or catching Frisbees to make them stop.

This method will also help you when you are outdoors.

So get their toys ready before taking them out. Or bring a vibrator to make an amazing sound.

Note: the shake bottle can be a plastic bottle containing small stones or coins. Or anything you can easily find at home.

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Let Them Do Some Basic Commands

Their obedience training will come in handy at such a time.

So every time your dog wants to hump you or someone else, let them “sit down”, “don’t move”, “go away” or “come here”. If they obey, don’t forget to reward them.

Through repetition, this will make them realize that what they have done is not desirable. This will also encourage good behavior.


Just as exercise is often the answer for humans to relieve stress, control blood pressure, and provide a healthy distraction from a challenge, dogs can benefit from lots of activity when they are overexcited.

Sexual frustration in animals may not be something they can vocalize, but it creates frustration and stress, as you’ll see in the agitated behavior of pets.

Regular exercise, especially brisk walking, can go a long way in relieving tension. In addition to walking, allow your dog to reach for toys, follow body commands (such as rolling over), and practice other techniques in the yard to help him burn energy.

The trick to exercise calming a hypersexual dog is that you want to limit interaction with other dogs, so now is not the best time to get a dog. You may need to hold on to your own backyard or look for a quiet rural setting where you won’t encounter other dogs and their owners.

Additional Note

There’s probably no time like the present to devote your pet’s attention and affection, especially if you have a female dog. Female dogs tend to experience anxiety during their first breeding cycle, and you can soothe them with lots of love and attention, whether that means a good belly rub, talking to them in a soothing voice, or just spending a lot of time with them.

The presence of the owner gives the dog a sense of security, which is especially important if their hormones are making them feel uneasy.

Introduce A New Toy

Dogs, like humans, are easily distracted by something shiny and new. Just as we try to distract young children by waving Buzz Lightyear around the pediatrician’s office, a dog may also temporarily forget its sexual excitement if it is distracted by a new object.

Changing a dog’s attention can stop their behavior. So if you have a male dog that shows a lot of hump behavior, grab a toy.

Since you may be keeping the dog indoors more than usual during this time, try to focus your attention on a new toy or treat. Interactive dog toys are particularly useful in this regard, they can react to your dog’s movements through movement and noise, etc. (compared to plush toys that provide comfort).

Playful redirection can take their mind off sex. Play a game of frisbee or ball to see if it helps your male dog’s hump behavior.

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Give Them Time Outs

If dogs are not easily distracted, providing “rest” can also calm them down.

It’s very helpful when they are lustful for everyone.

“How does it work?”

When they do this, safely grasp their collars or belts. Then take them away from that person or other dogs. Don’t pay attention to them for a few minutes.

“Pause” is a punishment. But it’s not as bad as you think.

This is to give them a short time to relax and reflect on their behavior.

To do this, here are the suggestions from the trainer:

Say some suggestive words. It can be “paused” or “enough”.

Let Them Stay In A Quiet Room

The rest time should not exceed 3 minutes. But it also depends on the dog completely settling down.

When you release them, make sure they don’t bark or scratch. Because they may think this is the behavior you want.

Be consistent and firm. It’s hard for you to ignore them, but don’t give in.

Reward Their Calm

Even if they are sexually excited, they will have time to settle down.

This may be after a satisfying walk or play. It may also be the result of your suspension of training.

But how can you further strengthen their calm?

When your dog relaxes, give them food and praise.

“Then how can I find a calm dog?”

Experts say they will:

Relax facial muscles.

Sit with one leg under your body.

Breathe slowly or regularly.

Lie down and don’t focus on anyone.

Take them to a “safe place”

Riding is dangerous for children. It is also suitable for the elderly and unstable people.

Dogs may trip them. So if you have visitors, put your dog in a crate or a separate room.

This will also help them calm down and reduce stress.

But first, make sure it’s comfortable enough. So leave them some blankets, toys and water because they will be thirsty.

Separate The Dogs

If you have more than one pet dog in your family, you’d better separate them.

They can be placed in crates or in separate rooms. However, you should not just keep your male away from the female.

Because if boys feel that there are girls nearby, they may also start fighting.

So even if you have a good male dog, once it smells the smell of female estrus, it will go crazy.


This is because “seasonal” girls will emit an odor during the estrous cycle or estrus.

These pheromones can be found in their urine, which is irresistible to boys. You know, this smell can even spread for five miles.

Therefore, putting them in different rooms may only reduce their behavior.

“How long should they be locked up?”

AKC said that each cycle may last for 2 to 4 weeks. But it depends on each dog.

So you may also check your woman. See if their genitals are swollen. Look for secretions or bleeding.

Eat With A Friend Or Relative

Can’t you separate your dog?

Or do you separate them, but your male dog is still particularly upset that your female dog is in heat?

If so, your last resort might be to ask a friend to babysit for you for a while.

The person should be familiar with the puppy and must not have other dogs that are in season.

This is because, during hot weather, some males may focus entirely on females. It can be stressful for them to be with a girl (because of the girl’s sex pheromones).

As a result, they complain constantly and become aggressive. Others even lost their appetite and weight.

Consider Taking A “fever Extension” Pill

This method is mainly used by breeders.

They need to keep the female intact. But there are also times when they are not allowed to mate.

Dr. Glenn Erickson says there is a drug that can help delay a dog’s estrous cycle.

It is sold under the Ovaban or Megace brand. It can stop the heat in four to six months.

Usually, it’s done in the first 8 days of the cycle. After its impact on the runoff, the female dog will enter the heat as before.

Warning: Dogs should not take it regularly. In addition, consult a veterinarian before taking any action.

How To Calm A Sexually Excited Dog Safe And Easy Tips
How To Calm A Sexually Excited Dog Safe And Easy Tips

Spray Them With Water

When you find them messing around at home, spraying water on them can help them shift their attention from sexual excitement to avoiding getting wet.

Water will stop them from any sexual excitement and help calm your dog.

Change Walking Habits

Changing your walking habits can also help dogs calm down.

If you have more than one dog, consider changing your walking route to avoid walking your male and female dogs at the same time.

You should make the most suitable schedule for your dog.

Avoid taking your dog where they may encounter other dogs, because it may not help the situation at all.

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Don’t take them out after it rains. But why?

A study found that in normal weather, the smell emitted by females when heated can be recognized by other smells. However, when the humidity increases (after the rain), the smell becomes stronger.

This triggers the male to try to find the estrous female dog and try to mate with it.

Remove The Ovaries

Sterilization and sterilization should be your last choice. If you want to have a dog in the future, you should not consider this option.

Sterilization is only performed on sexually mature dogs.

People know that sterilized and sterilized dogs have reduced sexual desire. Therefore, this will help calm sexually excited dogs.

Are Dogs Sexually Frustrated?

Yes, dogs can be sexually frustrated. Dogs have been known to arch furniture, pillows, stuffed toys and other objects when sexually excited. If they can’t get rid of the urge, they may end up with aggressive behavior due to sexual frustration. Neutering is highly recommended for sexually mature dogs.

How Long Does The Hump Last In Dogs?

The hump phase lasts a dog’s entire life until they are removed or neutered. You should also note that a dog’s hump can mean other things, such as showing dominance, or when they seek attention or play with other dogs. Excessive excitement and stress can also cause hunchbacks in dogs.

Are Dogs That Aren’t Euthanized More Aggressive?

Dogs that are not euthanized may become more aggressive due to the sexual frustration they experience on a daily basis. In fact, they can’t satisfy their sexual desires, which will make them aggressive.

How Do You Calm Down A Hunchbacked Dog?

The most effective way to calm a hunchbacked dog is to spay or neuter them. Other options include exercising or walking every day and paying attention to them as much as possible.

What Is The Best Age To Castrate A Male Dog?

Depending on the breed, most dogs reach sexual maturity between 7 months and 2 years of age. Spay and neuter your dog as soon as he reaches sexual maturity.

How Can I Calm My Male Dog’s Hormones?

You can stabilize your male dog’s hormones by neutering or exercising. Both have different effects on your dog.

Castration is a surgical procedure that removes a dog’s testicles and deprives them of their ability to reproduce.

This process can reduce the dog’s aggression. It also reduces the likelihood of developing testicular cancer.

But sexual acts such as mounting or hunching can still occur.

Exercise is a great way to calm your dog down. It allows your dog to spend his energy on appropriate activities.

You can do the following exercises with your puppy:

  • Hiking.
  • swimming
  • Dog sports.
  • It’s a long journey.
  • Mountain climbing.

Note: Consider your dog’s age, health, and exercise needs before choosing an exercise.

For example,

Swimming is a good exercise for older dogs. Mountain climbing is great for adventurous dogs with perfect memories.

How do you stop a male dog from becoming aroused?

You can prevent a male dog from being aroused by not rewarding his behavior. A dog’s penis becomes erect because of excitement.

Your dog gets excited when he meets other dogs or people. They were awakened.

This happens even in castrated males.

Over time, the penis will return to its original state. So it’s best to ignore a dog with a high sex drive.

This will stop your dog from thinking:

“Oh? Hooman laughed when I did. Must do it again!”

Because you don’t reward that behavior by accident.

In addition to laughing, you can encourage this behavior by:

Pet them.

Push them away.

Speak loudly.


It takes time and effort to calm a sexually charged dog, and you must also take steps to stop similar behavior in the future.

Each of the aforementioned advice should be taken into account if you want to calm your sexually charged canine.

If this persists as a significant problem in your household, think about bringing them to your neighborhood vet, who will advise you on the best course of action to take.

The final resort should always be spaying and neutering, especially if you intend to breed soon.