How To Discipline A Dog After Fighting: Basic Information
Dogs battle to assert dominance, not necessarily to hurt one another. Your dogs will compete for dominance over resources like food and toys, the pack leader position, and your undivided attention. It’s time to break up a fight and let your dogs know that you won’t put up with their misbehaving when you believe it has gotten out of hand or has simply lasted for too long. The secret to creating order and teaching your dogs that you are the only person who can ever win a battle is discipline, not punishment.
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Why Dog Fighting?
The important thing to remember in dog fights is that domination, not hurt, is the main goal. However, if a dog attacks, it may bite again. More resources, such as food, toys, or attention, are in competition with them.
Types Of Dog Fighting
Generally, there are two kinds of dog fighting.
The bite-and-hold maneuver and the cartoon dustball. As the fast-moving dustball moves forward, the dogs are biting and bumping but not grasping and holding. Even though it moves more slowly, tearing and thrashing can still occur during a grab and hold. The dustball is where the majority of human bites happen, whereas the latter causes the canines the most catastrophic damage.
Avoid Four Things After Dog Fighting
Here are a few things you should consider carefully before undertaking in order to prevent any accidents:
- 1. Never get involved in a dog fight.
- 2. Never use your hands to break up a dog fight between dogs.
- 3. Never try to draw a dog out of a fight by biting him or grabbing him by the tail.
- 4. Keep your face away from a dog fight at all costs.
Steps Of How To Discipline A Dog After Fighting
Step1: Stop Dog Fighting
To break up a fight, create a distraction from the surrounding area. It might only take a few pots and pans to hit the animals or a few buckets of ice water to do this. In a nutshell, you must help them awaken. The animals should be separated at once. Instead of just positioning them on opposite sides of the room, make sure there is a physical barrier of some kind between them or that they are both crates. Wait until they seem to have calmed down before introducing them again. Take away the issue that they appear to be fighting over. If they are fighting over a toy, put it away, for example. When two people are vying for your attention, give them both some space. You can teach children that they cannot win by engaging in conflict.
Step2: Remove the Cause
Find the cause they were supporting, then eliminate it. If they’re fighting for your attention, disregard them both. They must understand that fighting for anything only leads to total defeat. For your dogs to recognize you as the dominant dog, they need to see this behavior. Pick up the toy and put it away so the dogs can watch if they are fighting over a squeaky toy. This proves to them that the battle was pointless and that you eventually possess the toy. By doing this, you can establish your authority as the “top dog” and gradually learn to control your natural fighting and dominating instincts.
Step3: Make Order
You must punish your dogs severely in order to keep the peace in your house. Consistency, predictable outcomes, and a regular schedule are things that dogs may rely on. If they have some level of confidence in the timing and availability of such resources, they will believe it and cease the fight for more.

For instance, if they argue over food, feed them both at the same time of day in different rooms just to be safe. The jealousy between your dogs will decrease if you spend the same amount of time with them, such as taking a walk together.
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Step4: Let Dog Follow Discipline
Apply discipline to your dog’s playtime and other aspects of life as well. Avoid leaving the toys lying around after playing. If you tell the dogs when they can play, they will regard you as the pack leader. If you take the toy after that time has passed, the conflict over it will end. Don’t, for instance, leave toys on the floor where your dogs could fight over them. Have toys that you use only when playing with your dogs, and only then. Remove your dogs when they’re done. This exemplifies the difference between correcting behavior and punishing conduct; discipline is a sense of order and standards rather than a rigid model of corrective behavior. Dogs will again learn to follow your schedule if you repeat daily commands, which will increase your authority. This knowledge demonstrates the pointlessness of seeking more.
Step5: Institute Discipline
Don’t be careless when giving away gifts and other expensive items. Don’t leave toys on the floor where your dogs could fight over them, for instance. Have toys that you use only when playing with your dogs, and only then. Take away your dogs when they are finished. This demonstrates the difference between correcting conduct and punishing behavior; discipline is a sense of order and standards rather than a strict model of corrective behavior.
Will Dogs Be Malicious After Fighting?
- Dogs don’t harbor resentments, at least not when people aren’t there. In normal or natural situations, a dog fight may be over dominance or a resource like food or water. Whoever loses the battle also loses resources or dominance.
- Dogs that fight to become the leader may fight again on different occasions, but they will always do so out of dominance and never out of resentment.
- When both dogs receive unequal punishment following a battle, dogs often become bitter. The person who receives the mild reprimand will observe how his “opponent” is subjected to harsher discipline. He will see this as you being angry with him, and by extension, he will feel the same way.
- Make sure the punishments for your dogs are the same for both. They’ll see that no one is “the weak” and that you’re not upset with any one of them in particular by doing this.
Additional Points Of How To Discipline A Dog After Fighting
Our experiences at the dog training facility demonstrate that dogs can get along even after a fierce duel. It is possible to gradually and consistently train yourself to stop fighting when the urge arises.
A strict routine for their daily activities is also advantageous. Regular exercise, such as walks or other types of exercise, can help dogs behave well. Utilize strategies for reinforcement to promote this positive behavior. Reward them with their favorite sweets and talk to them in a reassuring manner. The joy of seeing their owners is the greatest joy for trained dogs.
Dogs are highly regarded for their value of equality. If you have two or more dogs at home, make sure to give each one an equal share of food, attention, and other items. When jealousy and dissatisfaction are present, anger can quickly escalate. The last thing you want to see as a devoted dog owner is this scenario.
She used to scream when she saw trainers playing and petting one of the huskies in our training facility. Like people, dogs are capable of engaging in some odd behavior. We advise you to use caution and pay attention to your furry friend’s body language and gestures to avoid needless fights and disputes.
If your dog just had an aggressive incident with another dog, you could find yourself yelling at them both. Let us remind you that this is the absolute last thing you want to do as an expert dog trainer. Pets need to be taught self-discipline, you must attempt.