Should I Let My Dog Watch Me Eat Here's What You Want To Know

Should I Let My Dog Watch Me Eat? Here’s What You Want To Know

First, should I let my dog watch me eat?

Dogs shouldn’t be allowed to observe human eating.

The first Wolf to eat other members cannot be close to you; instead, it will wait for you to eat in it because it recognizes your superior status. Look at it, but don’t let it get close. Habits are formed, but once spoiled, they are hard to break.

Why does my dog observe my meals?

Your dog is staring in anticipation of being given some of what you are eating. If you want him to stop, you must remove all hope that what you are eating will ever make its way to his pallet,

Please read on for more information about whether I should let my dog watch me eat.

Why Does My Dog Watch at Me Eating?

Dogs will stare at you while you eat because they desire your food. In the wild, dogs watch the pack leader while he consumes his meal. They use this to alert him to their hunger and their desire for some of his leftover food. They are hoping that since you are the pack leader, you will share your meal.

Should I Let My Dog Watch Me Eat Here's What You Want To Know
Should I Let My Dog Watch Me Eat? Here’s What You Want To Know

How To Stop My Dog Watch Me Eating?

It can be challenging to completely stop this behavior because it is an instinctive behavior. You can, however, take measures to discourage staring.

Never Feed Your Dog From The Table

Do not throw your dog a treat from the dinner table unless you want him to sit next to you for every meal for the rest of his life. He won’t forget it, even if you only do it once. He’ll be patiently waiting for a repeat for the rest of his life. In order to avoid the dog associating the dog staring at you with you giving him food, you should move your plate away from the table if you want to share your table scraps.

Ignore Him

You cannot utter the phrase “bad dog!” enough to eliminate a natural instinct. Instead, ignore his glancing completely. This might eventually reduce the behavior.

Feed The Dog First

Some pet owners have found success by feeding their dogs before they eat. Your dog might show less interest in whatever is on your plate if he is full. Don’t expect this to work 100% of the time because some dogs simply can’t get enough.

What makes dogs look at you while you’re eating? You can easily solve the issue by putting your dog (if he is crate trained) in his crate during mealtime if it really bothers you or if you have guests.

Give Your Dog Food At The Same Time That You Do.

Even if you serve everyone’s meals at the same time, your dog may still drool, but he will probably focus more on his food and less on you. Even if you only give him a snack and not a full meal, it might satisfy him just enough to lessen the likelihood that he will stare and drool during your meal.


Dogs can vividly recall especially enjoyable experiences, such as a pleasant surprise like a table scrap. Even if you consistently avoid giving him food from your plate, a dog’s hopes can remain high and his salivation may continue to flow because of the one time someone unintentionally dropped a bite on the ground or secretly shared a delectable morsel.

Should I Let My Dog Watch Me Eat? was the main topic of the post. If you have any questions about whether you should let your dog watch you eat, please leave a comment. Once I identify the issue, I will respond right away. Many thanks for reading.